Sebastian BitzerCryptoLogo

Doctoral Researcher


I am grateful for being able to work with amazing researchers around the world!

Name (alphabetical) Affiliation
Prof. Marco Baldi Marche Polytechnic University
Prof. Martin Bossert Ulm University
Jeroen Delvaux Technology Innovation Institute
Andrea Di Giusto Eindhoven University of Technology
Patrick Karl Technical University Munich
Elena Kirshanova Technology Innovation Institute, I.Kant Baltic Federal University
Sebastian Maaßen Ruhr University Bochum
Georg Maringer Technical University Munich
Prof. Alexander May Ruhr University Bochum
Nicholas Lilla Marche Polytechnic University
Alessio Pavoni Marche Polytechnic University
Alberto Ravagnani Eindhoven University of Technology
Julian Renner Technical University Munich
Stefan Ritterhoff Technical University Munich
Paolo Santini Marche Polytechnic University
Thomas Schamberger Technical University Munich
Rebekka Schulz Ulm University
Jonas Schupp Technical University Munich
Prof. Antonia Wachter-Zeh Technical University Munich
Violetta Weger Technical University Munich
Jiongyue Xing Sun Yat-sen University
Eitan Yaakobi Technion - Israel Institute of Technology